
Jindalee and the Oregon Side

Global capitalists are never satisfied. Not only are Paiute, Shoshone, and Bannock lands being threatened by the Canadian corporation Lithium Americas at Thacker Pass. An Australian company by the name of Jindalee Resources is pushing to exploit the land surrounding McDermitt Creek just north of the Oregon border. Anne White describes the situation in this section from Running on Sagebrush Time.


A Call For Solidarity

Call for Solidarity; Indigenous group seeks response from General Motors regarding human rights issues at Thacker Pass.

People of Red Mountain (PRM), is an Indigenous grassroots organization that was formed to protect the sacred site, Peehee Mu’huh – Thacker Pass. People of Red Mountain has raised significant and urgent concerns regarding human, religious, and Indigenous Peoples rights violations by the proposed mine.

In January of 2023, General Motors provided a $650 million joint Equity Investment and Supply Agreement with Lithium Americas to develop the Thacker Pass lithium mine at Peehee Mu’huh in Nevada. The SIRGE Coalition and People of Red Mountain prepared a letter to GM highlighting the company’s social policies and requesting a meeting on the human rights implications of this investment. We sent the letter in early March, but have not received a response. Currently, we are asking organizations and investors that support Paiute, Shoshone, and Bannock human rights to reach out to their contacts at GM, and request that the company respond to the letter.

Click on the link to see the letter that was sent in regards to General Motors’ recent $650 million joint Equity Investment and Supply Agreement with Lithium Americas to develop the Thacker Pass lithium mine at Peehee Mu’huh in Nevada.

Letter to General Motors


Nevada Mining, Politics, and MMIW

Mining isn’t pretty, nor are the politics that push communities into dangerous situations as a result. Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto has introduced a bill that would make the 1872 Mining Act even worse. Relating to Thacker Pass, her bill (The Mining Regulatory Clarity Act) would ensure that Lithium Americas could dump their mining waste on the homelands of the Paiute, Shoshone, and Bannock people. The bill would also allow for man camps near reservations. Man camps are an unacceptable threat to indigenous communities like Fort McDermitt. Please take a moment to sign this petition urging Nevada’s Senators to think twice about pushing a bill which would bring irreparable harm to the people and the environment.

Further information about the bill put together by Earthjustice…


“Lithium is a Trick.”

Speaking on behalf of Peehee Mu’huh – People of Red Mountain member Daranda Hinkey explains that the spirits (past, present, and future) call on us to protect the sacred. “Keep the lithium in the ground.”


Clean Energy Transition Cannot Be Built on Dirty Mining.

“We deeply oppose President Biden’s executive order for the Defense Production Act for precious minerals,” said Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone tribal member Day Hinkey, who is part of the group Atsa Koodakuh wyh Nuwu, or the People of Red Mountain. “I believe this is gonna be the second coming of environmental destruction. The first we’re in now is the climate crisis from the fossil fuel industry, and I believe this next one will be lithium mining.”

“Water is life. That’s not just a slogan, it’s what we all need to survive.”

Hinkey, who raised concerns about the destruction of cultural lands and elimination of Indigenous history, added that “water is life. That’s not just a slogan, it’s what we all need to survive. In this climate right now, we are suffering in drought, and everyone needs water. Lithium is going to contaminate a ton of water. We need this water to survive for drinking water and our foods.”

Read the full article here at Common Dreams