
How to Help Protect McDermitt Caldera

The landscapes of the McDermitt Caldera are all significant to Native American Tribes. This is especially true for the Fort McDermitt Paiute, Shoshone, and Bannock. The Caldera holds many first foods, medicines, and hunting grounds for tribal people both past and present. The global search for lithium has become a form of ‘green’ colonialism. The people most connected to the land suffer while those severed from it benefit.

It’s time to write the Bureau of Land Management and let them know why you oppose lithium exploration in the Mcdermitt Caldera. Feel free to use the information shared in this post. At the same time, remember to make your comments your own, include your personal connections to the McDermitt Caldera. To submit your comment to the BLM via email copy and paste the following address: